Projects and Partnerships
Campo Base bases it’s work on a partnership model: we collaborate with other organizations to create programs that can best meet the need of our guests
Campo Base and our partner organizations work to create experiences made especially to fit any special needs our guests may have.
We work in collaboration with other non-profits, foundations, and private organizations, as well as public-sector health-care facilities and other entities to create programs that are fun, creative, accessible and interesting for all participants.

From a day trip to a longer stay, our residential projects created for adults and families
Summer Camps
Lasting between 5 and 12 days, these projects are created for kids, teens and youth to be with their peers
Way Up è una vacanza GRATUITA di sport ed avventura dedicata a giovani adulti 18-45 anni con patologie oncologiche.
Sette giorni di arrampicata, trekking in alta quota, yoga, vela, ma anche cucina insieme, riposo e condivisione davanti al falò. Un
viaggio divertente e avventuroso, per scoprire (o riscoprire) le proprie capacità.
Non è richiesta alcuna esperienza ne’ competenza sportiva.
Può partecipare chi ha avuto una diagnosi di patologia oncologica dopo i 15 anni di età, sia che sia fuori terapia che ancora in terapia, compatibilmente con il proprio stato di salute.
L’edizione pilota del 2019 è stata un grande successo, ed ha messo delle solide basi per promuovere ed ampliare progetto in futuro.
Summer Camps
First Descents is an American organization working with young adults who have survived or are living with cancer. We launched our partnership in 2017, and our first project together was FDX Italy: a small group of participants spent nine days with us on an adventurous multisport program in the Dolomites.
The project was a great success and our fantabulous participants will forever be a part of our extended family.
Summer Camps
AISICC Associazione Sindrome di Ondine & Hospice Pediatrico di Padova
2015, 2016, 2017
Since 2015, we have been hosting a summer camp for families with one child affected by the rare Congenital Central Hypoventilation Sindrome, a mainly respiratory disorder. This camp is executed with the support of AISICC, the national association referring to this sindrome, and with the support of the medical and psychological staff at Padova Pediatric Hospice.
First Descents is an American organization working with young adults who have survived or are living with cancer. We launched our partnership in 2017, and our first project together was FDX Italy: a small group of participants spent nine days with us on an adventurous multisport program in the Dolomites.
The project was a great success and our fantabulous participants will forever be a part of our extended family.
Summer Camps
Crescere Educare Agire & Associazione Le Ali
2015, 2017
In 2017, CREA, the Le Ali Association and Campo Base collaborated to host to the annual Camp dell’Albero, held in Castel Campo, with an exciting program of play, sport and reflection.
In 2015, Castel Campo hosted the camp “Differences are Always Good”, a cultural exchange between Italian and Turkish teenagers reflecting intercultural issues through the use of artistic language such as music and theater. Camp was hosted in collaboration with the Italian association CREA Crescere Educare Agire and Bozuyuk School Public Education Center.
STAR Children’s Relief – Camp Ray of Hope
2015, 2016, 2017
STAR Children’s Relief works with kids and teens affected by blood disorders, oncological illnesses and other serious illnesses. They plan and execute empowering summer camps in Romania for kids coming from all around the country and from all different backgrounds. Camp is completely free of charge for participants.
Since 2015, Campo Base and STAR have collaborated on getting a group of 25+ campers accompanied by volunteers and medical staff over to Italy for an unforgettable adventure.